407 ETR Debts Can Be Included In Bankruptcy

You heard right! In November, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a decision stating that any 407 ETR customers that have completed the bankruptcy process and remain in plate denial for pre-bankruptcy amounts. Anyone who had debts discharged through a bankruptcy proceeding can now get their Highway 407 toll debt rolled into it, and no longer be…
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When choosing a bankruptcy trustee…

When someone files bankruptcy, whether of your own choosing or not, it isn’t an ideal nor an overly pleasant situation. Even if it is the best option for you and can actually improve your day-to-day life, the social stigma of bankruptcy is felt very keenly by many people. It is desirable, then, for the process…
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Debt and Divorce

When people get divorced, there are many unforeseen expenses that may lead you into financial difficulty. Household expenses essentially double, which alters your current financial situation and causes major money problems regardless of how much money someone makes or how well they managed their finances while they were in the relationship. Not only that, but you will still…
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Who will know about my bankruptcy?

Filing a bankruptcy means that certain documents can become public, but in your personal life, the only people who will know about your bankruptcy are those who you choose to inform. The amount of information that is public is very limited, and in fact is not very front and center. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy will…
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RRSPs And Creditors

With the February 29th RRSP deadline looming, people who are struggling with debt may be curious about how their RRSP contributions may be affected if they were to file bankruptcy. Certain RRSP and RRIF holdings are protected from creditors under a provision of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. RRSP and registered retirement income fund (RRIF) proceeds held under any…
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RRSP Contributions And Filing Your Income Tax

You can make RRSP contributions during the first sixty days of 2016 and claim these contributions on your 2015 income tax return. Most years the RRSP contribution deadline is March 1, however because 2016 is a leap year the RRSP contribution deadline is February 29, 2016. The main benefits of contributing to RRSPs are; you can build an asset for retirement…
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Will I lose my house if I go bankrupt?

People have many concerns when they come into my office, but a few concerns seem to come up more often than not. One concern that is in the forefront of many minds is the fear of losing their home. The answer depends on whether or not there is any net equity available if your property…
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In debt? Feeling helpless? We are here to help!

Being in debt can cause people to feel helpless and ashamed, and those feeling are visible on the faces of many of the clients that walk into our office for the first time. In our initial meetings with clients, our goal is to eliminate the feeling of helplessness and replace it with relief. In that…
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Stages of Bankruptcy in Canada

In Canada, any individual who owes at least $1,000 and is insolvent can file bankruptcy. Some people be feel a bit overwhelmed before the process even begins, so allow me break down the steps you will take when filing bankruptcy.  Consult with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee Your initial consultation with a trustee at Welker and…
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2016 Surplus Income Limits

If you are considering bankruptcy, ask your trustee if your income is in the range that will require you to pay surplus income and, if so, to estimate your surplus income payments.  During the bankruptcy period, you will be required to send your trustee a copy of your income and expense statements (i.e. medical expenses, child…
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