Tips For Managing Debt
If you’re not at the point where bankruptcy is a realistic option, it’s still important that you begin managing your finances (before bankruptcy becomes a reality). The most important step you can take towards controlling debt is to budget – this is the only way you’ll have a clear understanding of where your money goes. And only…
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Getting out of debt!
In today’s world, where we feel a compulsion to keep up with our neighbours, it is very easy to get into debt without even realizing it. Trying to work your way out of it can be a very difficult experience. Credit card interest rates, decreased income, illnesses and many other factors can lead to an unmanageable…
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How To Survive Financially After Losing A Job
Losing a job can happen to anyone at any time. It seems like job insecurity is more of the norm these days than job security. The resulting stress can be tremendous even in circumstances where the layoff was inevitable or occurred for reasons outside of your control. The good news is that there are plenty…
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Why should I get a new account at a new bank?
There is nothing worse than having your bank freeze your account, taking money from your account without your permission or having your pay cheque constantly be applied to overdraft. When we consider our relationship with a bank we think of having numerous and separate accounts with them. For example, we may have a chequing account,…
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Budgeting vs. Asking for Help
Maintaining a balanced budget is not always easy. It can sometimes be very hard for Canadians to make ends meet, and therefore feel forced to use their credit cards. Credit cards can actually be helpful when you are strapped for cash, but more often than not, it starts the cycle of debt. Being aware of…
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Pay For College Without Going Into Debt
It’s no secret that college isn’t cheap — and the price of education is continuing to increase year after year. But paying for college doesn’t have to break the bank or put you deep into debt. Student loans can be a great way for students to get help paying for school, but they don’t always cover…
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Balancing Finances As New Parents
Having a baby is exciting. As a new parent, you have read all the books and prepared yourself for every waking moment with your new addition. One thing the baby books might forget to mention is your finances. After all, one parent typically takes maternity leave, which means your household income could drop. If that…
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Why you shouldn’t pay only the monthly minimum on credit cards
When credit cards are used properly, they can be great. They provide a great deal of comfort to consumers who would otherwise struggle with paying medium to large sums of money upfront for their purchases. Using a credit card delays the actual payment with the idea of a temporary loan from your financial institutions and…
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What do with with your tax refund!
With the new year in full swing, and income tax season upon us, it’s easy to start thinking about how you’re going to spend your refund (if you’re lucky enough to be getting one). While it may be tempting to spend your refund on consumer goods or a trip, consider these suggestions that will provide…
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New Years Resolutions and Debt
New years resolutions often involve improving health, weight loss, or getting rid of a bad habit. There is one other resolution that people should consider this year. Don’t forget about improving your financial health and your bad credit habits in the new year. Consider adding one or more of these credit or debt resolutions to…
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