Boosting Your Credit Score

The amount of time and effort it takes to boost a credit score varies depending on the situation. The more damage you have done to your credit score, the more difficult it will be and the more time it will take. There are no magic tricks that will boost your credit score to a specific…
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Payday Loans and Holiday Debt

With Christmas bills about to roll in, I thought now would be a great time to talk about why getting a payday loan is a terrible idea. I understand why people are interested in the idea. It’s a quick fix…or is it? Before you take the plunge into the payday loan cycle, do your research….
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New Years Resolution: Break Out Of Debt!

A brand new year often inspires positive life changes such as breaking free of debt. If collections calls have been interrupting your dinner or you’re just stressed out from heavy-duty debt, here’s how to eliminate the burden. Determine where you stand In order to solve a problem, you need to fully understand it. Assess your…
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RRSP Contributions And Filing Your Income Tax in 2017

It’s almost that time of year again! RRSP season is just around around the corner. You can make RRSP contributions during the first sixty days of 2017 and claim these contributions on your 2016 income tax return. This year, the RRSP contribution deadline for the 2016 tax year is March 1st, 2017. The main benefits of contributing to RRSPs are; you…
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TFSA vs. Paying Down Debt

In the new year, many people may consider pitting money into a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA). TFSAs are great, but if you’re in debt, it may be better to pay down some of your debt. Credit Card Debt vs. TFSA If you’re paying 18% in interest on your credit cards, and only 1% in…
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Over-Spending During The Holidays

People love giving during the Christmas season, but what people don’t love is seeing their credit card statements come January. On average, places offering consumer debt help see a 25 percent increase in the number of people seeking help in January and February, and most of that traffic is propelled to their doors by holiday…
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Credit card debt – What to do if you’re struggling

Credit cards are a very popular way to make purchases large and small, on line or in the store. Using a credit card (and paying it off) is a great way to build your credit. They are also a great way to earn “points” towards vacations, groceries, and many other items. The problem is, if…
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Unemployment and Debt

Unemployment can happen to anyone. I was recently talking to a man who was telling me about how busy his division was at work and how he thought they would be hiring more employees soon. Just to find out the next week that his company was downsizing and his division was being shut down. Needless…
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Debt Management Tips for Seniors

No one wants to spend their golden years struggling with credit-card debt. But, sadly, an increasing number of seniors are doing exactly that. For people living on fixed incomes, escalating debt can lead to financial ruin. Many of the debt-management options available to younger people — like getting a second job to pay off the…
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If possible, should you pay off your bankruptcy early?

Believe it or not, we have had several clients who have filed bankruptcy and then found themselves in financial excess. When this happens, clients often ask the question “can I pay off my bankruptcy and be discharged faster?” If you’re in the middle of a bankruptcy, and your financial picture starts looking rosy, it’s understandable…
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