Three Ways to Reduce Debts Quickly

Whether it’s credit card bills or a line of credit, many of us are carrying debt and trying to get control of our finances. Debts can be debilitating and can often times seem like there is no way out. For some, bankruptcy or a consumer proposal may be the answer. For others, it may be…
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Canadian Seniors and Debt

It is becoming clear that more and more Canadian seniors are succumbing to the combined challenges of a fixed income, higher living costs and, in many cases, increasing levels of assistance to dependent children. A past CTV news article about Seniors Struggling with Debt and Bankruptcy outlines some of the issues and causes of seniors getting into financial…
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Getting Out of Debt

In today’s world, where we feel a compulsion to keep up with our neighbours, it is very easy to get into debt without even realizing it. Trying to work your way out of it can be a very difficult experience. Credit card interest rates, decreased income, illnesses and many other factors can lead to an unmanageable debt…
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Three Poor Financial Decisions That People Still Make

The internet is a very vast, and information filled spaced with a ton of financial advice, and you can easily get lost in it all and miss the basics. Here is a brief, yet straightforward look at the changes you can make that will lead you on the path to financial happiness. House For generations…
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Boosting Your Credit Score

The amount of time and effort it takes to boost a credit score varies depending on the situation. The more damage you have done to your credit score, the more difficult it will be and the more time it will take. There are no magic tricks that will boost your credit score to a specific…
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Getting Out Of Gambling Debt

If you’ve gambled to the point that you’re having trouble managing your debts, it’s definitely time to seek help. If you’re not already, make sure you get some professional help and treatment that will provide the tools you’ll need to maintain your resolve and to overcome urges. That professional help will help you in the…
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Assessing Your Debt

What may be too much of a financial burden for you, may be completely manageable for someone else. Every situation is different. Taking control of your debt involves acknowledging the problems you have. Our Self Assessment Survey may be used to help you figure out if you need help restructuring your debts, adjusting your budget…
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Pros and Cons of Credit Card Use

Everyone has heard horror stories of consumers who have fallen into unspeakable credit card debt. Credit cards can be great but it’s also important to be educated to spend responsibly. Here are some pros and cons to shopping with a credit card: Pros Purchasing Power Many credit are accepted virtually anywhere and give you purchasing…
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Tips For Back-To-School Savings

This September my first born will be starting school. This is new territory for me. It’s hard to believe this day has come. It’s also hard to believe the number of new supplies she “needs” for school. I know that we still have a month and a half before school starts, but with that being…
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Be Cautious Of High Risk Lenders

It’s fairly common knowledge that if you have bad credit and can’t qualify for a loan, you can go to a high-risk lender. High-risk lenders charge high interest rates will give personal/consolidation loans to individuals who do not qualify for loans elsewhere. Since they are dealing with high-risk customers, there is a high probability that…
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