What do with with your tax refund!

With the new year in full swing, and income tax season upon us, it’s easy to start thinking about how you’re going to spend your refund (if you’re lucky enough to be getting one). While it may be tempting to spend your refund on consumer goods or a trip, consider these suggestions that will provide…
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New Years Resolutions and Debt

New years resolutions often involve improving health, weight loss, or getting rid of a bad habit. There is one other resolution that people should consider this year. Don’t forget about improving your financial health and your bad credit habits in the new year. Consider adding one or more of these credit or debt resolutions to…
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Seek financial help sooner rather than later!

Many people, upon leaving my office after their initial consultation with me, tell me that they wish they had sought financial help sooner. The biggest mistake most people that have personal debt problems make is that they wait too long to get the help they need. Many people will struggle for years with these issues,…
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When Should You Seek Debt Relief?

The average interest rate on credit cards is approximately 20%. For example, if one owes $20,000.00 on credit cards, the approximate annual interest is $4,000.00. This individual will pay about $333.33 in interest every month of the year. You have less money to pay your living expenses or for savings and you have not reduced…
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Debt Management and your Bank

The first step to getting a fresh start is taking control of your personal finances. That is why I recommend opening a new bank account at a new bank if you owe money to the bank that you currently do you banking at. There is nothing worse than having your bank freeze your account, taking money…
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Financial Difficulties and your Family

Debt and other financial difficulties can take a significant toll on your personal well-being. However, if you have a family, that toll only becomes heavier. You worry about providing for your family members, and you worry about their happiness. They will notice your stress, and they will notice that you do fewer activities and give…
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Managing Credit Card Debt

If you carry around a credit card or two, like most Canadians, it’s not necessarily a problem. Credit cards offer convenience and flexibility, and used correctly, can help you build a good credit rating as well. Unfortunately though, not everyone is in the black with their credit card statements. If you are someone who carries a…
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5 Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

With tax season here, many people are eager to file their tax returns for only one reason: the possibility of a tax refund. How wonderful it would be to see unexpected money arrive. Pondering how to use the refund? There is no right or wrong way to use the money but getting your priorities straight…
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Debt Warning Signs

I’ve heard from many people that they didn’t realize how bad their situation was until it was too late. It’s important to take control of your debt situation early so that you may be able to prevent filing bankruptcy by consolidating your debt or making a consumer proposal. If you wait too long, bankruptcy may…
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Saving Money and Back-To-School

This September, both of my children will officially be in school. It’s hard to believe time has flown by so fast, but it’s also hard to believe how much money I’m expected to spend on school supplies.  Since the beginning of August has now crept up on us, we will begin to see the back…
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