CRA and Consumer Proposals

Back taxes are one of the most difficult debts to absolve because they are owed to the government and required by all income-producing residents. Making a consumer proposal can be a good option when you have tax debt as you could potentially pay less than what you owe. However, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will not…
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Student Loan Debt Solutions

Each year, thousands of Canadians rely on student loans to help fund their continuing education. Getting a student loan is an investment in your future as it helps you to get an education which in turn, will help create better job and career opportunities. Unfortunately, once you graduate from post-secondary school, life gets in the…
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Getting Out Of Gambling Debt

If you’ve gambled to the point that you’re having trouble managing your debts, it’s definitely time to seek help. If you’re not already, make sure you get some professional help and treatment that will provide the tools you’ll need to maintain your resolve and to overcome urges. That professional help will help you in the…
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Can you file bankruptcy while renting?

The majority of people who make consumer proposals or file personal bankruptcy with our office are renters. Most of those people have questions surrounding their current and future rental agreements. Here are some of the common questions we are asked: Will this affect my current rental agreement? Making a consumer proposal or filing personal bankruptcy does not affect your current rental…
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Consumer Proposals and TFSA and RRSP Investments

When you file a consumer proposal you are able to keep ALL of your assets. This includes any amounts that you have invested in an RRSP or TFSA account. When you make a consumer proposal, you are offering your creditors a settlement, which is more than what they would get if you were to go bankrupt. Essentially you are saying,…
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Should you withdrawal from your RRSP to pay down debt?

Many people think that it makes sense to pay off high interest debt by withdrawing from their RRSP because it will get rid of their interest payments. In most cases, I agree with paying down high interest debt by any means possible. But, before making an early withdrawal from an RRSP — for any reason…
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RESPs and Debt Settlement Options

Many people with children plan ahead for their children’s post-secondary education by investing in a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Most people with RESPs who come into our office are concerned about what will happen with their RESP if they choose to file bankruptcy or make a consumer proposal. First of all, I’ll explain what…
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Are you insolvent?

Debt is one thing that all people I meet with have in common. Obviously. The extent of that debt may be more than it is for others. Some people may feel like they are drowning in debt, but are actually not insolvent. They have the means to dig themselves out of debt on their own…
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