Payday Loans and Christmas Spending
Christmas can often times be a financially daunting time of year for many people. Some people are struggling financially but the idea of having lots of presents under the tree is also important to some people as well. Although over-spending for Christmas can seem exciting and fulfilling at the time, the new year will always…
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We were asked: Does filing a consumer proposal affect my mortgage renewal?
This is a good question that highlights asset concerns when filing a consumer proposal. The renewal of your mortgage is typically an automatic process, and unaffected by filing a consumer proposal. Renewing your mortage with your existing lender does not usually require a credit application. However, the one issue that may arise is if you do not want…
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How does filing a consumer proposal affect TFSA and RRSP investments?
When you file a consumer proposal you are able to keep ALL of your assets. This includes any amounts that you have invested in an RRSP or TFSA account. When you make a consumer proposal, you are offering your creditors a settlement, which is more than what they would get if you were to go bankrupt. Essentially you are saying,…
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If I make a consumer proposal or file personal bankruptcy will I be able to rent?
Making a consumer proposal or filing personal bankruptcy has a negative impact on your credit rating that may affect a landlord’s decision to accept your rental application. However, the majority of people that we deal with are renters and many of them move during the course of their consumer proposal or personal bankruptcy. Landlords, like any other creditor, are primarily…
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Will you lose your leased vehicle if you claim bankruptcy?
JILL ASKED: I have a lease-to-own vehicle and I’m a year+ into a 5-year lease. I need my car for work. If I claim bankruptcy, can I keep the car? ANSWER: The simple answer to your question is, yes. You can keep your leased vehicle after filing personal bankruptcy as long as you continue to make…
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What happens when your consolidation loan isn’t keeping you out of debt?
KEVIN ASKED: Am I able to claim bankruptcy if I already consolidated my credit card, line of credit and overdraft debts into one consolidation loan? This person also has student and car loans that they’re paying, plus they just found out that they owe the government $3,400 in taxes. They feel like they’ll never get out…
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Surrendering A Secured Asset: Your Home
Some people who own their own home can’t or don’t want to keep it. Common reasons why someone might not want to keep their home are: Can’t afford the payments The house value is far less than the mortgage balance owed Marital/relationship breakdown The biggest challenge facing a homeowner who wants to surrender their home is…
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Surrendering A Secured Asset: Your Vehicle
Some people who own a leased or financed vehicle can’t or don’t want to keep their vehicle. Common reasons why someone might not want to keep a vehicle are: Can’t afford the payments The vehicle is worth far less than the total amount owed Lifestyle change When someone doesn’t want to keep their vehicle they…
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Cashing In Retirement Savings Is A Poor Debt Settlement Strategy
We understand that most people who are in debt want to deal with their obligations, and don’t want to see a trustee in bankruptcy, make a consumer proposal or file personal bankruptcy. As a result they do what they can to attempt to deal with their debts on their own. Often this includes cashing-in retirement savings. Unfortunately,…
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Renting And Dealing With Debt
The majority of people who make consumer proposals or file personal bankruptcy with our office are renters. These are some of the common questions: Will this affect my current rental agreement? Making a consumer proposal or filing personal bankruptcy does not affect your current rental agreement. As long as you are current with your rental payments, and therefore there…
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