Most people put off getting financial help way too long. For the most part, the longer you wait, the further you go into debt. If you are even a little bit concerned, there is no harm in looking for solutions. For instance, we offer FREE, NO-OBLIGATION consultations where we review your situation and give advice on how to manage your situation.
Financial problems aren’t necessarily the result of poor money management. Sometimes situations beyond our control, such as divorce, death of a spouse, health problems or a change in household income can lead to financial hardship and further danger like bankruptcy.
While every case is unique, there are often warning signs of financial danger. Here are some common financial danger warning signs that you should watch for:
Using available credit on your cards to cover monthly household expenses.
Maxxing out your credit cards.
Continually slipping behind on payments (i.e. mortgage, taxes, hydro, cable, phone, etc.)
Borrowing money to pay off other debts.
Paying only the minimum payment on your credit cards.
Refinancing a loan to reduce your monthly payment.
If you are experiencing any of these warning signs, feel free to contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. We’re here to help.