This is a question I often times hear from people who meet with me. It’s a question I can’t answer unless I have more information. I also can’t tell someone what to do, as it’s ultimately a decision they need to make.
But, the fact that this question is being asked in my office is a good thing. It means that these people are concerned and want to do something about their debt.
It’s very hard for some people to get out of debt. Unfortunately, there are some people who just accept the fact that they will have that debt forever. Obviously I would not agree with this approach.
I would suggest that it’s time to start seeking help if you’re experiencing one of the following:
Your debt load overwhelms you.
You feel stress, anxiety or worry about the payments you have to pay.
You cannot make or struggle to make payments as they become due.
You are having to sacrifice things that you need or like to do in order to pay creditors.
So, you want help. What’s next?
Once you’ve recognized that you need help, it’s time to book a meeting with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, like myself. I will be able to review all debt relief options with you and together we can come up with an option that best suits you. These options may include debt consolidation, a consumer proposal or even bankruptcy.
When you bring your debt load into a solution that is manageable for yourself, you will release stress and give yourself an opportunity for a fresh start. You will have more discretionary income which means you can spend more on things that you need or want or you can begin to save money for things that may want such as house, vehicle or a vacation.
Debt relief is available to help people get back to the starting point and work towards a better future. You work hard for your money and you should see benefits. You will learn to track your spending, deciding what you like and don’t like about your spending habits and learn to save.